If you have car insurance, health insurance, life insurance, or even pet insurance, you're probably pretty well aware of what isn't covered and what is. However, we find that those with homeowners insurance are often confused or misguided about what their policy covers, especially when it comes to roof replacement.
As an enormous undertaking for your home, roof replacement is something for which no one wants to pay out of pocket. Because of this, homeowners generally rely on their policy to cover this sort of service. However, what happens when they find out that their roof isn't covered? How did it come to this?
Since 2004, Infinity Roofing & Siding has been a nationwide expert in all things roofing and exterior services. We've gained a wealth of knowledge that helps us guide current and new clients about how to handle insurance claims when it comes to roof replacement. Keep reading to learn how you can ensure that roof replacement will be covered through your homeowner's insurance.
Is Your Roof Covered Through Your Plan?
First, start by figuring out how old your roof is. If it's new, you have a better chance of having full coverage for something such as a roof replacement. If it's over 20 years old, you're likely to have very minimal or no coverage at all. Here's the other thing that you need to consider; storm damage. When you have a roof under 20 years old, and a powerful storm blows through the area, causing damage to your roof, you'll likely be covered through your homeowner's policy. You won't be covered if your roof is damaged by something like someone throwing a fast-pitch baseball right into it. Here are a few things to consider for your roof:
- Call a Local Roofing Expert: You'll want to get an expert opinion about your roof, its age, and the likelihood of being damaged.
- Keep Track of Everything: You'll want to keep a detailed record of all repairs and pictures.
- Have Your Roof Inspected Often: A professional roofing company will be able to tell you about the condition of your roof and if it's likely to sustain severe damage when the next storm rolls in.
Get in Touch with an Expert Roofing Company Today
We know that navigating the homeowner's insurance world can be confusing and sometimes cause stress. Because of this, our Infinity Roofing & Siding team is here to provide expert opinion for you, so you can enjoy peace of mind knowing if your roof is covered for the next storm or if you'll need a roof replacement sooner than later. Give us a call today, or fill out the online form to learn more.
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